User interface design should only performs on Mac OS Xcode SDK. Also you must need Mac Os as virtually running on windows for debugging and seeing output. If you want to use xamarin in windows you need to download xamarin plug in to visual studio from. Then producing multiline comments for C# would be as simple as making selection once, holding shift and typing /* for Python it would be 3x ” etc. We can use xamarin studio in Mac OS only. Dont limit this extension to select few characters like now. Or maybe generalize feature by always requiring selection + Shift + any character. I think out of all surround variants i would use comment one the most cause when im debugging i often want to temporarily disable multiline sections of code I suggest adding extra key for comment characters specifically to disambiguate for languages that have such ambiguities like Python. Eg for C# pressing Shift (or Alt) + / would produce /**/ (thats how it worked in monodevelop if memory serves right), for Python Shift + ” produces “”” “”” etc. I tried to make custom key combo for this command but from what i remember (i attempted this almost decade ago so my memory is fuzzy) you couldnt bind this command to just two keys like Shift + ” it had to be 3 keys at once making it too annoying to use.īTW consider adding support for surround with multiline comment characters with Shift or Alt pressed. Yes VS has Surround With command but thats clunky to use compared to this. That was about a decadde ago by then monodevelop had this already built-in. YES! Ever since i switched from monodevelop to visual studio i wished for something like this. There is currently an open feature request for us to implement this behavior in Visual Studio, so make sure to go vote for it.

Either by commenting in this blog post, or by opening issues or pull requests on the GitHub repo.

To participate in this experiment, install the Surrounder extension and let us know how it works for you. Any time you have a selection and type one of the supported characters, the selection will be surrounded by that character and its closing equivalent, as shown in this table: Opening We’ve created an extension for Visual Studio called Surrounder that we’ll be using for this experiment. But we need your help to help test that hypothesis and, potentially, help improve the feature design. Our hypothesis is that a feature like this is language agnostic and doesn’t need to be customized per language. In fact, multiple developers have requested this feature, so remember to vote for it if you agree. In this experiment, we want to test if we can create a general feature for all languages that makes it easy to surround the selection. What you hoped would happen was that the selected text would be surrounded by an opening and closing quotation mark like in the animation below. So, you select your text and hit the quotation mark key on your keyboard, only to find that the selected text now has been replaced by a single “. You want to quickly select some text and surround it with quotation marks.